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How to reduce noise when polishing machine?

In the use of polishing machine grinding and polishing process, the machine will produce large or small noise, which will not only affect the mood of work, but also affect the work efficiency and the effect of the work. In order to achieve the best polishing effect of the head polishing machine, in order to achieve the highest efficiency, we find out all the factors that are not conducive to the quality of the head polishing machine, and improve one by one. To reduce noise pollution, we first need to understand clearly where noise comes from and what the principle of noise generation is. In this way, we can fundamentally take measures to solve it.

According to the mechanism of noise produced by polishing machine, it can be known that the huge noise is caused by the violent vibration when the grinding head is subjected to unbalanced force. Vibration is the real cause of noise. Vibration in the process of head polishing machine is a typical phenomenon of dynamic instability. The schematic diagram can be simplified and the single abrasive grains can be analyzed.

Through the vibration analysis of the grinding head of the tank polishing machine, it is concluded that the factors affecting the noise of the grinding head are the width of the grinding and the rotational speed of the grinding head of the polishing machine. Suitable grinding width and speed can be selected to prevent resonance and effectively control the noise of polishing machine. Improving the width and speed of grinding can make the noise disappear completely. In fact, this method is very simple, but the need for stainless steel polishing machine usually pay more attention and observation, find the right reasons, improve the poor mechanism can achieve our desired results. The noise of the polishing machine disappears and the operator can polish his work in a quiet environment. Then the effect and efficiency of the work will be greatly improved. I hope all the people facing this problem will try to improve and create a good working environment.

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